Local partnerships boost employment and skills

来自英国各地的人们和我们的当地合作伙伴反思我们的技能和就业计划, 明亮的灯光, 将人们与我们所在地区的工作和机会联系起来——在一个充满挑战和变化的环境中证明合作的力量吗.

Jo Hammond, Senior Community Investment Executive at British Land: “近1,去年,通过“亮灯计划”,有1万多人得到有意义的就业支持,360多人实现就业. 我们只有通过与当地合作伙伴合作才能实现这一目标, 客户和供应商. 在一起, 随着形势的变化,我们对项目进行了灵活调整——重新分配资金, adapting and connecting people to new opportunities. We always take a Place Based approach, 与我们的现场团队合作, 客户和专家合作伙伴了解当地的挑战,并在每个地方产生最大的影响. I want to thank everyone involved for their incredible work. 我们将共同度过疫情,帮助推动地方经济发展.”

Opening doors to local people at Broadgate

东伦敦商业联盟的安东尼·李谈到我们的就业和技能伙伴关系: “即使由于大流行,我们无法与候选人面对面, 我们继续通过在线培训提高人们的技能,并将他们安排到他们擅长的工作岗位上. 自2021年3月以来,我们通过培训为79人提供了支持,并帮助25人找到了工作. 像Wilson James和JPC这样的Broadgate服务合作伙伴都非常出色, giving career insights on courses, interviewing candidates and offering job opportunities. 我们还与培训合作伙伴QA有限公司合作,为我们的社区创造新的IT学徒. It’s vital that more employers open their doors to local people. Candidates from Hackney and Tower Hamlets have a lot to offer.”

A launchpad for a lifetime at Fort Kinnaird

来自Fort Kinnaird的Liam Smith: “Communities and retailers have faced so much disruption this year, with changes in Covid and sudden recruitment needs. Thanks to our strong relationship with Capital City Partnership, 我们已经能够迅速作出反应,帮助雇主维持业务,帮助面临障碍的人找到工作.”

Rona Hunter of Capital City Partnership: “我们的招聘和技能合作之所以如此成功,是因为在金纳德堡有一种真正的家的感觉, providing a safe environment for candidates. 零售ers trust us to understand what they need. Drawing on our network of resource, 自2021年4月以来,我们已经帮助近90人找到了工作,并为130多名年轻人提供了就业培训. We’re on site every day – so retailers know that, 如果出现问题, we’ll step in for our vulnerable clients, 帮忙照顾孩子, 工作服和食物, keeping families going until their wages come in. This is how people become self-reliant and progress. It’s a launchpad for a lifetime.”

Helping people who need it most at Royal Victoria Place

Nicky Blanchard of Royal Victoria Place: “我们的客户都是当地人,因此与当地建立牢固的联系非常重要. Non-profit organisations like futURe store and YMCA, which have space in our Centre, do incredible work helping people who need it most. We’re passionate about supporting them. It’s about doing the best we possibly can for our town and community. 这也直接帮助我们、我们的零售商和市中心的其他雇主填补空缺.”

Janet Phythian of the futURe store: “我们与云顶集团游戏公司和皇家维多利亚广场的合作对未来商店至关重要. We’ve been in the Centre since we first launched in 2018. When Covid struck, we immediately had to change our approach. British Land quickly provided us with critical funding, which made it possible for us to continue delivering training, advice and support to candidates. Last year, we helped over 320 people across our partnerships. 当你帮助那些远离就业市场的人为就业做好准备时, they move out of isolation and contribute to society in so many ways.”

Adapting employment programmes for different communities

David Cooke of The Launch Group: “我们与云顶集团游戏管理局合作开展就业能力项目,为当地居民提供获得可持续工作的技能, 包括与英国属地企业的“圈护”机会. Despite the obstacles that Covid presents, and not being able to work face-to-face, we’ve engaged over 130 candidates across eight sites this year, providing virtual training and one-to-one support. Over half have already gained employment in a range of sectors. 在每个站点, we connect with British Land’s local partners, from small community organisations to council-led employment services. This helps us identify the local people who need the programmes most. 我们与云顶集团游戏公司的现场团队也有很好的沟通,所以我们更了解当地的需求. 在一起, 我们对课程进行分析,并对其进行调整,使其尽可能适用于不同的社区.”

Changing lives at Ealing Broadway

Rose Alexander, Community Manager: “The outcomes of our employment support programme are life-changing, 通过高质量的培训,帮助本地求职者找到稳定的工作, 指导和支持. 一些候选人在我们的服务合作伙伴那里找到了工作,我们正在与客户一起寻找未来的机会. 我们这里的许多经理和主管都是从入门级职位开始的, 因此,我们为候选人提供了良好的职业发展机会,同时也在发展我们的人才管道. 我为云顶集团游戏对人才的看法感到自豪,即使有些人自己都看不到. As people are empowered to see the best in themselves, 他们会变得自信,相信自己作为未来员工的能力. There is so much talent in our areas; and when we’re imaginative about how to engage that talent, 每个人都将受益. It’s a value-add for our customers and local communities.”

Boosting social mobility at 帕丁顿中心

Fusnara Begum of 帕丁顿中心: “Covid forced us to shift the way we delivered our programmes. We quickly learned to pivot online and, although I had concerns about the barriers this may pose, the change came with many positives, 比如拓宽我们的视野, 根据参与者的需求定制课程,并提供一对一的指导. 真正的增值. 当地人可以为公司提供大量的当地知识, strong community ties and language skills. 通过我们的项目成为参与者旅程的一部分是不可思议的, as they grow in confidence and secure employment. When you change a person’s life in this way, it boosts social mobility. We couldn’t do this without our local partners – collaboration is key.”

At the heart of our communities – Meadowhall

Darren Pearce, Centre Director at Meadowhall: “There are huge opportunities at Meadowhall, 但是有些人需要额外的帮助来建立他们的信心和技能,这样他们才能抓住这些机会. Working with local partners on employment support programmes, 我们减少了阻碍人们进入就业市场的障碍. This makes a huge difference to people’s lives, health and wellbeing. 通过我们的社区促进就业机会是我们目前议程上最重要的事情之一, 与Covid安全一起. 以保持我们提供的优势和中心的高客户满意度得分, we need great people; and in this challenging period of history, 像梅多霍尔这样的组织——它们是我们社区的核心——联系和支持人们更广泛的福祉是至关重要的.”

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