
随着我们将投资组合转变为净零, 我们正在测试低碳技术以加速进展. We have proved that air source heating and cooling works in major commercial buildings – reducing gas use by over 80%, 远离化石燃料, 为客户降低能源成本,提高热舒适性. Members of our technical services team reflect on lessons learnt and opportunities for the future.


约翰绅士: Air source heating and cooling is a renewable energy technology that uses free outside air to heat and cool buildings. We started testing this technology seven years ago, following detailed investigation. 当时, there was apprehension across the industry about whether air source pumps would work for the UK, 哪些商业建筑传统上使用燃气锅炉. We went out of our way to understand the equipment, including its limitations.

Our initial pilot at 350 Euston Road proved that the right air source pumps, 管理良好, 能否从外部空气中提取足够的热量来加热工作空间, 即使在伦敦寒冷的天气里. We have now also installed the technology at 10 Exchange Square and 338 Euston Road, 它在哪里取得了类似的成果, and consider it as standard on all new developments and for lifecycle replacements in existing buildings.


马特·比尔: 关于气源泵的一个可怕的故事是, 当室外温度降至10℃以下时, 它们难以产生所需的热量. 我们的经历揭穿了这个神话. 即使是在零下2摄氏度的冰天雪地里, we generally see zero gas consumption for heating spaces in buildings with air source heat pumps; gas boilers only come on to heat domestic hot water – and we’re now looking at projects to remove that.

马尔科姆·韦伯: 气源泵效率高. Where gas boilers typically have a coefficient of performance below one (1kW of gas input generates less than 1kW of thermal output), 空气源加热和冷却可以提供五倍的回报, with 1kW of electrical input generating around 5kW of thermal output. Pumps reuse heat from the outside air and recover waste heat from the chillers. 他们的碳排放和成本节约是一大亮点.


约翰: 但这并不是在公园里散步. One of the biggest challenges is the upfront cost, as air source pumps are expensive. So, in the main, we retrofit the technology when existing equipment reaches its end of life. We also look to bring projects forward where the business case stacks up. This includes assets where customers are on long leases, so the payback period works. 对新技术的担忧是另一个挑战. 在测试空气源加热的潜力, 我们在现有供暖系统的同时安装了水泵.

马尔科姆: 空气源泵提供的热量比锅炉低, 只能达到50°C, 而燃气锅炉可以达到80°C. 然而,如果你更智能地运行建筑,这就足够了. 而不是安排所有事情一次性开始, we now bring on air handling units first to raise temperatures in the space, then fan coil units to condition the air and then calorifiers for hot water. By smoothing demands in this way, the load never exceeds the system capacity.

马特: With retrofits, you have to fit equipment into the space available, which can be a challenge. 我们的一些新泵的定位只剩下几毫米的余量. Refrigerant choice affects plant size too, so when space is tight, this limits options. 我们与制造商密切合作,以确定最佳解决方案.


马特: 客户是我们一切工作的核心. You need occupier support because air source pumps are not a like-for-like replacement. Our customers see being in a low carbon building as a positive and we have good data on the business case, 所以他们倾向于支持我.

马尔科姆: As for any major plant, positioning your meters in the right places is important. We’re now on version nine of our metering strategy, constantly improving it. You also need to allow time for seasonal commissioning – demands vary substantially from August to January. 集成控制系统也很重要. On our first installation, the air source pumps were initially operated via a separate controller. 当出现问题时, it took time to get to the bottom of it and gas use went back up as the boilers kicked in. We’ve now integrated the controls into our Building Management System (BMS), 因此,我们的团队可以通过单一平台优化性能.

马特: 当你以新技术领先时, 你需要能够依靠制造商的支持, 因为当地没有专业知识. 否则,任何缺陷或控制问题都需要时间来解决. 当你和制造商建立了良好的关系, choose the right equipment for your building (every structure is different), 实施稳健的控制策略并有效地进行调试, 你有一个成功的空气源加热和冷却的秘诀.


马特: 技术发展得如此之快. 不久之后,我们在交易广场10号安装了气源泵, 一种具有较低全球变暖潜势的新制冷剂被释放. 我们一直在关注改进. At the moment, air source pumps are the most efficient heating solution. 英国境外, I meet engineers hoping to continue using high efficiency boilers or waiting for hydrogen fuel technology to improve. However, in order to hit our net zero target by 2030, we are taking action now. 我们正在寻找每个地方来消除化石燃料.

马尔科姆: This is an exciting time to be in British Land’s technical services team. 云顶集团游戏鼓励我们寻求低碳创新. 当我们在摄政广场安装第一个气源泵时, 这是英国同类建筑中规模最大的一次改造, 我们将继续引领这条道路. 每天都是上学的日子. There’s always a new technology to look into, or a different way to run things. 这是最好的事情——尽管它并没有让我们的生活更轻松!

约翰: 我为团队愿意踏上这段旅程而感到自豪. 如果我们没有及早采取行动对空气源加热和冷却, 我们还在争论这样做是否正确. Instead, we’ve proved that the technology works and influenced the mainstream engineering world. 我们发表了 零净之路 last year and are now developing pathways for individual buildings – air source heating and cooling is an important part of this.

COP26强调了气候行动对许多人的重要性. Leading by example, as a major property company, we are sharing steps everyone can take. 我鼓励大家考虑新技术. Do your due diligence and push the boundaries to achieve those breakthroughs that make a difference. 哦,是的, 当我自己的燃气锅炉寿终正寝时, 我绝对会把它换成空气源热泵.

约翰绅士 是我们的技术服务和可持续发展主管吗.

马尔科姆•韦伯 是丽晶酒店的高级技术服务经理吗.

马特·比尔 是Broadgate公司的高级技术服务经理吗.

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