

在寒假前的繁忙工作中, 有一封措辞谨慎的邮件让我们不得不停下来看.

这是云顶集团游戏局发给云顶集团游戏局和布罗德盖特1号队的一条短信, informing us that the project had formally received its NABERS UK ‘Design for 表演’ (‘DfP’) target rating certificate, 五星级的. The first building in the UK to register, it also received a notable DfP0001 registration reference.

NABERS UK ' DfP '是一种方法

  • 在项目的设计寿命期间尽可能准确地预测能耗,
  • 通过设计和规范决策减少预期的能源使用
  • 为建筑物在整个使用寿命期间进行准确的能源监测做好准备.

非常重要的是,它是第三方认证的,并要求申请人承担责任. It was launched in the UK in November 2020 by the Better Buildings Partnership and is a very important process for buildings with a Net Zero Carbon brief.

2025年完工, 1 Broadgate将在伦敦创造一些最可持续的混合用途空间. 作为NABERS评级的早期采用者, British Land are able to demonstrate a sustainability commitment that extends well beyond this date. 随着项目的发展步伐不断加快, we wanted to reflect on the project’s sustainability journey to date and the path we are setting out for the important steps to come.


Broadgate在RIBA第三阶段注册为NABERS英国先锋项目, 但云顶集团游戏公司已经在早期设计阶段制定了计划. In a short period of time we switched from the existing standard - CIBSE’s Technical Memorandum 54 ‘Operational Energy 表演’ - to a British Land-commissioned bespoke method named Enhanced Building Energy Modelling in anticipation of NABERS UK, 那个时候还在试验中. 转投NABERS UK也是仲量联行(JLL)的先决条件。, 谁是第一个签署租赁协议的占用人.

因此很早就发现了机会, NABERS英国计划正式启动后, Broadgate准备承诺一个高目标能量等级. 听起来很明显, 一个雄心勃勃的概要对一个可持续发展和面向未来的项目至关重要. Setting this high standard from the start has allowed 1 Broadgate to adapt its ambition to one of the most rapidly changing markets in recent years.


One of the first models for predicted energy consumption for 1 Broadgate showed a predicted energy consumption that was just below the NABERS UK 5.0*额定上限(70kwh /m)2), which in 2020 the UK Green Building Council established as the interim Net Zero Carbon target for base buildings completed between 2025 and 2030.

UKGBC目标收紧至55千瓦时/米的上限2国民 从2025年开始,然后是35千瓦时/米2,国民 从2035年开始,这是一个相当大的飞跃. 设计开发, further modelling and independent reviews took 1 Broadgate’s predicted energy down to a NABERS UK 5.5*评级,远早于UKGBC的中期时间表. 认证目标评级为5.0*包括建议的应急措施,以弥补未知和市场经验不足, but these are the very 风险s that have been framing the conversations with a number of stakeholders since, 包括未来的占领者, 仲量联行艾伦律师事务所 & 还有总承包商,罗伯特·麦卡尔平爵士.

The opportunity to reduce the predicted energy is unlikely to have been possible with a simpler method of simulation and analysis. 能源模型帮助我们看到了机会,并证明了设计变更的合理性. 我们引进了热泵和储热装置, 优化工厂的规模和运作, 回收更多能量, 精细控制和挑战能源浪费的要素. The NABERS DfP method requires the simulation model to test and report on various situations that could affect energy consumption, 比如操作不良, 维修不善和极端天气.

如果你的目标是净零碳, 这是值得跳转到NABERS英国水平的预测模型. 没有它, you may not have a building and systems that are robust enough to operate under future market expectations. 此外, the government is likely to introduce a new energy disclosure framework to offices >1,000m2 今年. 因此, the market value of lower energy meter readings is expected to increase rapidly over the next few years.


NABERS英国DfP流程的一部分是独立设计评审(IDR)。, 一个形式化的步骤,不仅检查假设和能量预测计算, 但也会询问并提出建设性的建议. 根据我们的经验, 作为审稿人和被审稿人, 这导致了一场非常健康的讨论, after which either energy consumption is theoretically reduced or 风险s are actively addressed.

1 Broadgate开发项目, 作为先锋项目, 不少于3个idr, 包括对我们的3D和系统模型的回顾. 一个典型的项目不需要这么多的审查, but there are clear benefits to having at least two sessions especially in the early years of the scheme: one to check that design is heading in the right direction and has captured all opportunities, and another before the project is procured to ensure that the main contractor tender includes a clear intent.


For years the industry has been contemplating ‘soft landings’ (a gradual and informative handover of a building to end-users) but never applying it properly. NABERS几乎在一夜之间改变了这一点. The NABERS base building energy rating is so reliant on tenant installations and behaviour that it is not only necessary but also highly beneficial to involve end-users in the energy conversation as early as possible.

1 Broadgate was pioneering in setting up a 可持续性 Working Committee involving British Land, 他们的商业租户, 承包商, 项目经理(加德纳) & Theobald) and ourselves (Hilson莫兰); environmental engineers and sustainability consultants. 在NABERS英国DfP过程中的某个时刻, tenant teams are required to share detailed fit-out information to be included into the energy model for a final predicted rating (at Practical Completion). 因此,讨论占用者的需求, 他们的意图是设计和操作, 等 and feeding back on the positive and negative impacts of energy/carbon adds a lot of foresight and opportunities to collaborate and improve before it is too late.

与最终用户的协作是一种双赢的局面. 开发商同时也是业主, 这也是一个与长期客户建立牢固关系的机会.


如果到目前为止所描述的过程不受合同参数的限制, 采购, 应急, 风险, 等., central building systems would continue being refined and optimised for a longer period of time, 作为对占领者提供的细节的回应. 然而, tenants and their designs may be unknown or they may change in the future; but building services need to be bought on schedule. Programme delays have various implications and occupier behaviour is ultimately extremely difficult to predict.

因为这些以及更多的原因, elements of design have to be ‘frozen’ and a line drawn on base build improvements during early construction. 一方面,一方面, central systems should be designed to be flexible and robust enough for whatever may be thrown at them, 同时在更大的使用比例下以最高效率运行. 另一方面,后期的设计变更会产生严重的成本和程序后果.

If a contractor has signed up to delivering a NABERS star rating but tenant design is making that rating look better or worse, 责任和义务的层次可能变得模糊. 即使改善是所有相关方的意图, DfP结果只能在实际完成时确认.

建议在没有租户布局的情况下并行运行模型, in order to fix a scenario at Practical Completion that is comparable to contracted delivery obligations, e.g. 使用招标阶段假设.

We are currently already in discussions about extended aftercare and the role of SMART technology in reacting fast to energy over-use. 还有一段路要走,还有很多东西要学. 我们希望在这一过程中继续分享并为更好的建筑做出贡献.

Hilson莫兰 是跨学科的顾问, 工程师和顾问, 运用先进的思想来塑造我们生活的环境.

以上表达的想法和观点是作者个人的想法和观点, and do not necessarily represent the views of British Land or other employees of the company. 有关法律条款及条件的详情,请参阅 网站条款及细则.