The Company's 2016 Annual General Meeting was held at The Montcalm London Marble Arch, 大坎伯兰广场34-40号, 2016年7月19日星期二,伦敦W1H 7TW

2016年度股东大会报告PDF (3).0MB)
agm -显示- 2016.pdf
Notice of Annual General Meeting PDF (292KB)
注意- - - - - - - agm - 2016.pdf
Annual Report and Accounts 2016 PDF (23.6MB)


As at 6 June 2016 (being the latest practicable date prior to the publication of this Notice of AGM) the Company’s issued share capital consisted of 1,040,574,376 ordinary shares of 25 pence 每人一票 each, 其中11个,266,245人被扣押在财政部. Therefore, the total voting rights in the Company as at 6 June 2016 were 1,029,308,131.